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Therefore, it is best to stop after it rains. If it doesn't rain for a long time, it is necessary to pour a lot of water first to make the soil all wet, and then excavate. And it is better to stop in cloudy days, not in hot days. There is less damage to flowers and plants. In order not to damage the roots, do not dig too close to the plants. The limitations of the roots of flowers and plants are all within the limitations of the development of leaves, that is, the drip line I mentioned in how to pour water.

Pot soil selection before continuous ramet reproduction, we need to select pot soil at first. In terms of soil, we can select humic acid soil. This kind of soil has good drainage and air permeability, which will greatly help the development of melancholia. In terms of plastic flower pots, we can select purple sand pots or plastic pots. If the new seedlings do not take root, although there is a certain probability of survival, the survival rate should be greatly reduced.

When separating plants, it is necessary to dig out the whole plant from the soil, clean up the soil at the root, and then select the robust young plants that have not suffered from diseases and pests, separate them from the root, soak them in potassium permanganate solution, wait for five minutes, take out the young plants, and wash them with clean water. Do not fill the soil too much, just reach the stem of the plant and the bottom of the leaves.

When changing the pot, take out the original pot of the mother plant with roots and soil completely, pay attention to protect the integrity of the roots, and try not to scatter the roots. Then take out the new pot, put the newly prepared nutrient soil under the new pot, put the divided plants in the center, and gradually add soil around. After planting, put the pot soil in a ventilated and cool place for maintenance. Be sure to keep damp proof in spring and rainy season, and the amount of watering should be reduced.

For planting, put the lateral buds into the 1 gallon nursery pots, cover the soil to the bottom of the branches, and gently lift it up by hand to slightly press the soil on the edge. After planting, it is necessary to water the soil until the soil is wet. During this period, no light is allowed. However, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation, and move it to a semi cloudy environment for breeding after a week of relaxation. The amount of water should be more in summer. Water once a day to keep the basin soil moist.

At the hottest time, it is necessary to block the noon sun. Otherwise, the fierce sun will make its leaves red, and it will be burned seriously. In winter, it will be placed on the warm windowsill to receive the sunshine. It doesn't need a lot of water to water jiyulu properly. It's OK to keep the potted soil slightly moist at ordinary times. In autumn, it is dry and appropriate to water, but more water can be sprayed. In winter, the amount of watering needs to be reduced to avoid root rot.

Good soil permeability Ji Yulu likes sandy soil with good air permeability. If you want Ji Yulu to be fat, you can add peat soil and volcanic rock to the soil to increase soil fertility and air permeability respectively. In order to prevent the root rot of jiyulu, some large pieces of sand and gravel can be added at the bottom of the soil to improve the drainage system.

You can pick leaves and prune branches during the growth period. At the same time, if you find jasmine flowers that need to be divided into plants, you can transplant them in pots. At this time, jasmine plants and 5 gallon plant pot are the easiest to survive, and the root recovery and growth is also the fastest! It is best to carry out in March when the new buds are not developed and the sap is not moved. It can also be carried out before September. The temperature drop in winter is not conducive to rooting.

Later, if you used to plant with loose sandy soil, you can gently pull out the side seedlings. This kind of soil is more convenient to operate. However, if the soil is hard and sticky, you should use a branch or chopsticks to help. While loosening the soil around its roots, you can gently pull it out. Cutting: cut cuttings into the substrate, and each pot can cut 2-3 cuttings.

After cutting, the cuttings shall be watered and placed in a shady place. They shall also be covered with plastic film to increase the temperature and humidity. If they are kept in a semi shady place and the temperature is maintained at about 20-25 ℃, they can take root in about 3-4 weeks. Always keep the pot soil moist, but not too wet, so as to prevent the cuttings from rotting after cutting. Cuttings are most likely to survive at 25 ℃. Generally, roots germinate about 20 days after cuttings. When the new buds are 5-8 cm long, transplant them into the pot with soil.

Note: the soil should not be planted too deep. Just insert it gently to keep balance. After planting, it will be placed in too strong sun and too dark central breeding to form its dysplasia. If the mother plant also leaves a wound during rametting, it can also be dried for 1 to 2 days. After the wound becomes dry, it can be planted back in the 15 gallon pot. The soil must be permeable so that the root can breathe.

Cymbidium consumes the most nutrients. In order to facilitate the growth of Cymbidium seedlings after flowering, the flowers and arrows should be cut off at the right time. Generally, the flowers and arrows of spring orchid should be cut off after half a month, and the top flowers of Cymbidium should be cut off after a full week. Otherwise, it is not conducive to multiple strong buds after flowering and affect the flowering in the next year. Turn the pot and separate the plants to promote growth. This month is one of the best periods for orchids to turn over their pots and plants. This month is one of the best periods for orchids to turn over their pots and plants.

For potted orchids, if the pot is full of orchid seedlings or the soil in the pot has not been changed for more than two years, it is necessary to turn the pot or separate plants in time during the Qingming Festival and the valley rain. The orchid room and orchid plant shall be sterilized to kill pests and diseases in the "cradle" as far as possible. Cymbidium begins to bloom in this month. It should be shaded in the blooming season, otherwise the flower color is poor, which will affect the opening of the product. Cymbidium flowers need higher air humidity, but the pot soil is slightly dry than usual.

Generally, if the pot soil is too wet when the regular petal type flowers are put, the flowers are prone to fall off the shoulder and the outer three petals are inclined backward, which affects the opening of the product. Therefore, before the cymbidium bloom, it is necessary to control the watering to make the 7 gallon nursery pots soil dry properly, so that the flowers bloom more spiritually. This month is the blooming period of Cymbidium and the blooming period of Cymbidium. At this time, these new buds and the mother plant will be separated continuously. After separation, the mother plant will have no cost.

Soil temperature is higher than air temperature, which is beneficial to promote rooting. Therefore, it is necessary to try to increase the substrate temperature to facilitate rooting before germination. No matter what kind of substrate is used, it should be disinfected by sunlight at high temperature, or by using potassium permanganate solution of garden elephants to prevent bacteria from infecting cuttings and causing rot. The relative humidity of the air is required to be more than 100 ℃, so as to keep the tender shoots and leaves fresh and not wilt before the cuttings take root.

Cymbidium consumes the most nutrients. In order to facilitate the growth of Cymbidium seedlings after flowering, the flowers and arrows should be cut off at the right time. Generally, the flowers and arrows of spring orchid should be cut off after half a month, and the top flowers of Cymbidium should be cut off after a full week. Otherwise, it is not conducive to multiple strong buds after flowering and affect the flowering in the next year. For potted orchids, if the pot is full of orchid seedlings or the soil in the pot has not been changed for more than two years, it is necessary to turn the pot or separate plants in time during the Qingming Festival and the valley rain.

Therefore, relatively speaking, the breeding conditions in the north are too poor. If you keep it in low temperature for a long time, it will cause root rot, leaf falling off or scorching, and even death in serious cases. The method of separating plants is to take the mother plant out of the 2 gallon plant pots and break off the new bud by hand. If the new bud is close to the root and cannot be broken off by hand, the new bud can also be cut off with a sharp knife. It likes a relatively warm environment and has poor cold resistance.

It is better to provide a temperature between 13 ℃ and 21 ℃ during the management period, which is conducive to growth. After cooling in winter, you must move indoors as soon as possible and put it in an environment with a temperature of more than 10 degrees, so that you can spend it safely. Soil Zibao is not resistant to water logging, so the cultivated soil must be breathable and permeable, and preferably contain a certain amount of fertility. Be sure to keep damp proof in spring and rainy season, and the amount of watering should be reduced.

Then gently lift the plant out of the pot and clean the soil at the root. Then you can divide plants. Generally, 3-5 seedlings are planted in each pot. If there are many seedlings, you can divide them into clusters of five seedlings and cut them from the base of the plants with a sterilized knife. During curing, rotten leaf soil, garden soil, vermiculite, etc. can be mixed to meet the demand.

In summer, the seed starter pots should be placed in the shade, and shading nets can also be set for indoor cultivation as required. In terms of watering, good luck comes first. People like a humid environment. They can keep the basin soil moist on weekdays. Generally, they do not water in rainy days. Many people think that more fertilizer will improve, but in fact, more fertilizer will increase the concentration, which will turn bad, and the root will be burned, causing the leaves to wither and yellow.

As a plant growing in warm areas in the south, brown bamboo generally grows at an ambient temperature of 20-30 ℃. According to the test, brown bamboo can grow at about 0 ℃. In addition, if the humidity is appropriate, it can grow at 40 ℃. So generally do not care about the temperature. When filling the soil, pay attention to gently press the edge of the container with your fingers, and do not directly press it on the root system of the plant, so as to make the soil firm without damaging the root system.

At this time, it is best to use a fork like an iron fork or a shovel. After the root of the plant is dug out, it can be divided. The roots of ordinary herbs are easy to separate and disperse. Just break them off with both hands. However, assuming that there are no ramets for many years, it is difficult to isolate and disperse the glue kudzu. At this time, a shovel can be used. When watering, the soil should not be too dry.

When transplanting to a new pot, put the cultivation soil in the planting container. The soil should not be too much. It depends on the size of the 1.5 gallon pot. It is mainly the bottom. In order to facilitate root growth, ash soil and a small amount of humus soil can be selected. Then put the lateral buds into the planting container, sort out the root system, stand with the plant in one hand, and fill the soil slowly to cover the root system in the other hand. Pay attention not to twists and turns of the root system, and fill the soil slowly up along the root system to let the root system expand naturally.

Especially in the spring growth period, there must be sufficient sunshine. It is best to put it under astigmatism. Only sufficient sunlight can make Ji Yulu's leaves full. The leaves of Ji Yulu with insufficient light will become slender, and the water content will also be reduced. There is a phenomenon of withering. Keep warm sunshine for 3 hours every day in spring and autumn, but avoid the noon sunshine in summer.

At the hottest time, it is necessary to block the noon sun. Otherwise, the fierce sun will make its leaves red, and it will be burned seriously. In winter, it will be placed on the warm windowsill to receive the sunshine. It doesn't need a lot of water to water jiyulu properly. It's OK to keep the potted soil slightly moist at ordinary times. When watering, the soil should not be too dry.

The amount of water should be more in summer. Water once a day to keep the seed starting trays moist. In autumn, it is dry and appropriate to water, but more water can be sprayed. In winter, the amount of watering needs to be reduced to avoid root rot. Before changing the pots for the orchids, first remove the pots from the plants. Wash the soil in the pot with clean water until the roots of the orchids are exposed in the pot. In rainy days, you can use lights to increase the illumination.

Ventilation shall be provided during the maintenance of Zibao, especially for indoor maintenance, and the windows shall be opened frequently. Generally, it is conducted from March to April, and the wild scissor root is transplanted into sandy loam in time or directly transplanted into the greenhouse. It can be carried out in spring or summer. Generally, the scissor stems are directly cut off and transplanted to the sandy loam seedbed. After rooting, the cuttings are transplanted to the greenhouse to uncover.

Generally, it takes about 2 months. After the seedlings grow, select the rhizomes with white color, strong growth and two axillary buds, cut them into small segments and plant them on the seedbed. Water and drainage should be done in time to promote the growth of rhizomes. Select a strong and disease-free seed stem, cut it into a small segment of about 5cm before planting, dig a planting ditch according to the planting density, put it in, cover it with thin soil, and pour water through it.

Prepare soil according to the number of ramets to prepare flowerpots and pot soil. Generally, 3 gallon nursery pots are made of materials with good drainage and permeability, and are planted in earthen pots, pottery pots, etc. The soil is best prepared with rotten leaf soil + ceramsite + garden soil, which has good drainage and permeability, is conducive to the growth of orchid roots, and is not prone to waterlogging and root rot.

Maintenance after planting don't pour too much water after planting, otherwise it will easily rot the part in the soil. However, it can't make the soil dry, which is not conducive to its rooting. Just keep it slightly wet, and it can't be placed in the sun. It can be cultivated in a bright position. After the new root is completely developed, it shall be maintained continuously according to the general maintenance method.

If the ambient air provided is not circulated, the leaves are prone to blackening, which will hinder the growth and reduce the ornamental. If the new bud can not see the root, the incision should be cut into a smooth flat mouth, which is conducive to rooting. The breeding conditions of good luck are also very important. The first is light. To make Pineapple leaves bright and blossom regularly, light is very important. In winter, there should be at least 4 to 5 hours of direct sunlight every day.

It is best to plant the scissor root at an altitude of about 800m. It is the only area with flat terrain, sufficient water source and convenient drainage and irrigation. Before planting in 10 gallon pots, remove the sundries in the garden and carry out tillage and fertilization. In summer, water more, and spray water to increase the humidity of the environment, so as to avoid drooping pedicels and shortening the flowering period. Water less in autumn and winter to avoid frostbite.

African violet likes sunny environment, so it can be placed near the windowsill after branching, but it should be shaded in summer to avoid sunburn. The most suitable temperature for the growth of African violet is between 16 and 24 degrees. Protective measures should be taken when the temperature is higher than 30 degrees or lower than 10 degrees. Hongyun dangtou is native to tropical South America and has high requirements for temperature. It is best to control the temperature at 15 ~ 22 degrees during breeding.

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